New law change allows more flexibility for healthcare professionals completing DVLA medical questionnaires

Dr Nick Jenkins, Senior DVLA Doctor outlines the benefits for healthcare professionals being allowed to fill in DVLA medical questionnaires.
Dr Nick Jenkins, Senior DVLA Doctor outlines the benefits for healthcare professionals being allowed to fill in DVLA medical questionnaires.
DVLA’s Emerging Tech Lab is a newly created team exploring the potential value new and emerging technologies could offer DVLA and its users. Digital Architect Rob James gives us the lowdown.
We’ve just published our 3-year strategic plan and this year’s business plan, so it’s a good time to take stock of what we’ve done – and what’s to come.
Back in September 2016 we blogged about how DVLA is developing a new web service for our stakeholder customers to register new vehicles. Since then we have continued to develop the service based on customer feedback. Last month Alison Wolley …
If you drive a bus or lorry, did you know that even if you’re caught speeding in your own car, there could be implications on your professional role?
Given it’s World Diabetes Day today (Monday 14 November), what better time to highlight the potential effects of diabetes mellitus on one aspect of daily life so many people take for granted: driving. Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is …
I’m really excited to tell you that our brand new online medical licensing service is now in public beta. Car drivers and motorcyclists can tell us if they have diabetes or single vision conditions by using this 24/7 service. If …
A year ago we said goodbye to the paper counterpart of the photocard driving licence and hello to the service that does it all. Now, in one place you can view or share your driving licence and check a driving licence. Getting rid of the paper …
Last week, we introduced our Corporate Service Manager, Hugh Evans after telling you how we’ve changed the way we work at DVLA . We’ve now caught up with Dudley Ashford to discuss his role as DVLA’s Drivers Service manager. Hi …