Abolition of the tax disc
How we design and deliver our services is changing. Rohan Gye, DVLA’s Vehicle Service manager tells us about his role As one of DVLA’s Service Managers Rohan, can you tell me about your responsibilities? I’m responsible for all DVLA’s vehicle …
...and something we will continue to do in the future. Below is one of a number of positive comments we have received. In my opinion these live webchats are a...
As we draw closer to the final week before the tax disc is abolished I wanted to give you an update following our second webchat on 17 September 2014. It again proved popular with our stakeholders, in particular with motor …
Following my blog earlier this week, I said I’d issue another one by the end of this week to explain the use of trade plates, forms and obtaining tax on your customer’s behalf. These were all topics that cropped up …
As we start to get closer to 1 October 2014, media coverage of the abolition of the tax disc has increased but we've still got more to do to raise awareness of the change. This week we've started to write …
The abolition of tax disc project is overseeing one of the biggest changes in DVLA history... The tax disc has been around for 93 years and our stakeholders and commercial customers have built their processes and procedures around it. These …